jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024

If you or someone you are with is bitten by a snake


Here are the most important steps to take if you or someone you are with is bitten by a snake:

  1. Call emergency services immediately (dial 911 in the US). This is the most important step. Antivenom is the most effective treatment for venomous snake bites, and timely administration is crucial.

  2. Stay calm and move the person away from the snake. Avoid further bites.

  3. Identify the snake, if possible, from a safe distance. This can help medical professionals determine the appropriate treatment. However, getting help quickly is more important than trying to get a perfect identification of the snake.

  4. While waiting for medical help:

    • Keep the bitten area still and below the level of the heart.
    • Wash the bite wound with soap and water.
    • Cover the bite with a clean, dry cloth or bandage. Do not apply a tourniquet.
    • Remove any jewelry, watches, or tight clothing from the bitten limb before swelling begins.

Here are some things you should NOT do:

  • Do not cut or suck on the wound.
  • Do not apply ice or hot packs to the wound.
  • Do not give the person alcohol or caffeine.
  • Do not try to capture or kill the snake.

Remember, the most important thing is to seek medical attention immediately.

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